
National Cargo Bureau Links Page

This page contains useful links for the National Cargo Bureau Marine Cargo Surveyor

ABS A vessel classification society that provides leadership in the development of new technologies intended to improve the safety standards for the marine and offshore industries.

The Container Handbook contains securing recommendations and cargo loss prevention information from the German Marine Insurers.

Electronic Code Federal Regulations TITLE 46–Shipping.

Electronic Code Federal Regulations TITLE 49–Transportation/Hazardous Materials Entries.

Equasis is a portal that can provide specific vessel information related to its’ name or IMO number.

International Association of Classification Societies LTD is a trade organization of world-wide marine classification societies that are dedicated to keeping ships safe and the seas clean.

International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) provides training to marine surveyors worldwide.

International Maritime Organization (IMO Website) is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.

U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD) is the head of the Maritime Administration and advises and assists the Secretary of Transportation on commercial maritime matters, the U.S. maritime industry, and strategic sealift.

MITAGS and PMI are dedicated to providing the most comprehensive theoretical and practical maritime training for today’s seafarers.

OSHA Website provides training topics along with safety bulletins, posters and warning signs.

Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration Office of Hazardous Materials Safety (OHMS) is the Federal Safety authority for ensuring the safe transport of hazardous materials (hazmat) by air, rail, highway, and water, with the exception of bulk transportation of hazmat by vessel.

Safety Toolbox Website is devoted to forum discussions among safety professionals but also has a multitude of resources for safety training.

UK P&I and West of England P&I clubs have some excellent sources which are vessel specific. They also post safety bulletins about recent accidentsand their causes. Any P&I club will have safety related information as well as safety related posters.


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